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Adrina Adie

8 Suprising Causes of Body Odor You Should Know

You might be wondering how on earth did you get a body odor despite taking a shower regularly. Well there are some smell that no amount of washing, showering and scrubbing can prevent.

Read on below to find out some of the surprising causes of body odor:

1. Your Low Carb Diet

Cutting out carbohydrates in your diet for weight loss is a good idea. But, this can also be the cause of body odor.

A study in 2014 indicated that a low carbohydrate diet can have foul smelling side effects. An increase in protein intake and lack of carbohydrates cause the body to release ketones into the bloodstream. This can cause body odor and a strong smelling urine.

2. You’re Stressed

Chemically speaking, there are different types of sweat. The most stinkiest of them all is the “stress sweat”, produced from sweat glands called apocrine. Apocrine glands are responsible for producing less-watery sweat with proteins and fats. Sweat from your routine workout on the other hand, comprises of electrolytes and mostly water.

3. You’re Into Meat

This is due to the fact that red meat is difficult to digest which means the body uses more energy to metabolize them. This results to you sweating more, digesting at a slower rate and emitting foul-smelling gases through fart and sweat. Also the amino acids present in red meat leaves a residue in your intestines which when emitted mingles with skin bacteria causing bad odor.

4. You Drink Too Much Caffeine and Alcohol

Excessive drinking of alcohol and caffeine can be the reason for your body odor. Coffee is extremely acidic and accelerates the body’s rate of perspiration. Alcohol on the other hand, course though the blood and around the body, while some may seep out into the pores causing that smell.

5. You Love Cruciferous Vegetables

Eating a hearty serving of broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage or any cruciferous veggies that contain the sulfur compound can caused that pungent odor, as the body secretes and absorbs them via the sweat glands.

To eliminate some of the odor-producing sulfur, you can choose to parboil them.

6. You Have Diabetes

Diabetes if not treated can cause a condition known as diabetic ketoacidosis, this can also be a cause of body odor. Without enough insulin, the body breaks fat for fuel. This can lead to a buildup of ketones in the body which can produce a change in body odor.

7. You’re Constipated

In severe constipation, toxins that are released by the digestive system may seep through the pores, thus exposing fecal body odor.

So always remember to take a fiber rich diet to allow a smooth digestive process and prevent uncomfortable constipation, that may cause a stinky body odor.

8. You Consume Too Much Refined Sugar

A study conducted by the American Academy of Dermatology, says that too much consumption of refined sugar can emit a foul odor. This is because of an overgrowth of yeast that converts sugar into a rancid alcohol byproduct. Refined sugars can alter the balance of your sweat when combined with armpit bacteria, causing a bad body odor.

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