AA's blog

Adrina Adie

Recipe: Cheesy Shrimp Scampi on Toast

Heavenly succulent shrimp meal that’s a breeze to prepare.

Seafood such as shrimp is a source iodine, which is needed for brain development and maintenance of metabolism.


– 1/2 kg. Shrimp, peeled, de- veiled, tails intact

– 2 tablespoon lemon juice

– 1/2 cup butter

– salt and pepper to taste

– 1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese or any prefered

– 4 cloves garlic, minced

– 1 cup dry bread crumbs

– 2 tablespoon chopped parsley
Toasted sliced, buttered French bread


1. Marinate shrimp with lemon juice, salt and pepper depends on your taste. For 5 minutes.

2. Melt butter in a pan, stir in garlic and cook until fragrant. Add shrimp and cook until shrimp turns pink in color.

3. Ade bread crumbs and grated cheese, cook for another minute until the cheese is melted. Remove from heat. Garnish with parsley.

4. Serve on top or on the side of toasted French bread.

Yummy shrimp dish is now ready to serve!

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