AA's blog

Adrina Adie

6 Reasons Why Bagels Are Better Than Boyfriends

1) You Can Eat Them

I bet your boy friend will be there for u when u are sad but what about when your belly is aching for some sweet doughy deliciousness? I don’t think any man could satisfy that craving the way a bagel can, because like, if you tried to bite your bf he’d probably break up with you. but not a bagel, they are open to this kind of experimentation.

2) They Will Always Be There In The Morning

You know in those movies where the guy comes over and then leaves at like, 3 am because he needs to be home because he has work in the morning or yada yada. well this aint no lie, if you put a bagel next to your bed at night when you go to sleep it is a guarantee he will be there for you when you wake up in the morning. Bae(gal) wouldn’t miss that morning drool for the world xoxo.

3) You Can Stuff Them In Your Purse When “No Boys Allowed”

Every girl needs time with her BFFs, without the boyfriend around. Well if you had a boyfriend you would have to constantly decide which nights are for BFFs and which nights are for BFs. With Bae(gals) you can stuff them in your purse and get the best of both worlds. When your BFFs aren’t looking you can whisper sweet nothings into that knapsack of love and keep the passion flowing all night long, no interruptions.

4) You Never Have to Have a LDR

Long Distance Relationships can be tough when your boyfriend lives in a different state. Bagels travel with you though because you can find them in any grocery store. that is so sweet of them right, to be there for you wherever you go. you travel the world sweet thang, your bagel bae will be right there waiting for you to buy him.

5) You Can Stick Them in The Toaster And It’s OK

With Bagels it’s always getting hot in here am i right? Try toasting up ur bf if he feels cold, you won’t be able to and he will prob break up with u.

6) They Understand You

Bagels have a hole in them just like the hole you are trying to fill when you eat them because you don’t have a boyfriend..... Ha ha ha ha
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