AA's blog

Adrina Adie

open house

hari ni kami adik beradik buat open house di setapak. biasa la tong2 dan simple2 jer. alhamdulillah ramai yang datang. thank you to ayah, who sponsored one whole roasted lamb and satay for us.

macam biasa, bila dah ramai2 ni, solat berjemaah memang wajib. kena lah seimbang dunia & akhirat. hehe.. just look at my boy, ariq. semua orang mengadap qiblat, tapi dia ikut suka hati jer. so funny. hehe.. tak per, yang penting dia dah didedahkan dengan hal2 keagamaan. insyaAllah, moga2 jadi anak soleh nanti. ameen.

at the moment, mr hasli is off to play futsal with his schoolmates. i am so damn tired. the kids knocked out at 10 pm. i better get some sleep. tomorrow, need to rush back to our home since there's someone will help us to put on an air conditioner in our room.


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